JERSEY SHORE – 1/13/12

January 13th, 2012 | 5 Comments | Posted in Jersey Shore Season 5

On to Jionni…now that Vinny is gone, I’d like to nominate Jionni for elimination in the next tribal council. Jionni gets annoyed that Snookie drinks and acts like a fool, and drags her home from the club…. only to bang her on the outside bed. Look bro, if you want to play the holier-than-thou card, you have to truly be annoyed by Snookie’s behavior. Not just pretend to be annoyed to get her home and sleep with her, when she is so drunk she can’t even stand up, bro. Snookie’s behavior is ridiculous. It’s disgusting and tiresome. But come on bro, you knew what you were getting into. If you willingly choose to spend time with Snookie, you lose the right to be annoyed by her, bro. I’m not sure what his angle is (actual attraction to Snookie seems completely out of the picture), but he is wearing thin. Even his bromance with Mike is kind of boring at this point.

Clearly Jionni will be gone as soon as Unit spills the Snookie / Mike story. I’m not positive on the timing of the filming and Unit’s arrest, but Unit’s absence in this episode has me worried. I fear that without Unit, the fight won’t happen anytime soon, meaning we are probably stuck with Jionni for a few more episodes. (This may be the first time that anyone who is not a parole officer has ever missed Unit).

So episode 2 had as much quality as the t-shirts sold at the Shore Store. But, hey, at least Vinny is gone, so maybe things will turn around soon.

Before wrapping this week up, there are a few corrections from last week’s recap (Thanks to everyone who sent emails and posted comments…. it’s tough to catch everything in one viewing, and it would cruel and unusual punishment to watch the same episode twice in one night):

I misquoted Vinny from episode 1. Vinny actually said that the cast did everything there was to do in Florence, not everything to do in Italy. Apologize for the error, but I find myself nodding off every time Vinny starts talking.

Turns out I have been spelling JWow incorrectly. It is actually JWoww, with 3 w’s. Apparently she they add a w each time she gets a new face. But since face number two was my favorite, I’m sticking with “JWow”. (I still have no idea what should be capitalized.)

And finally, I missed a great quote from the premiere. During the 4 way fight at the reunion party, I missed this gem: “Unit? Your name’s Unit you f*ing moron.” This was uttered by “Snookie.” While talking to “Rydar” and “the Situation.”

Till next time.

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5 thoughts on “JERSEY SHORE – 1/13/12

  1. Great columns! I’m really enjoying your recaps and the funny analysis – I laughed out loud a number of times, and I don’t think I did that once last year! Looking forward to next weeks…

  2. No offense, but your columns are monotonous, your humor is contrived, your narrative lacks a smooth and witty flow (it’s certainly never that time of the month for you), and it all just sounds so juvenile and forced. You’re trying too hard. You should read EW’s recaps of Jersey Shore by Darrien French. Now that dude is brilliant. Sorry, bro.

  3. Nonetheless you are MUCH better than the last blogger that was writing for this site, for Jersey Shore– by a long shot.. I never got why Steve picked the last guy in the first place, not one of this posts had any substance to it. Keep up the good work.
    People need to keep in mind thats this is probably a hard show to blog for.. as there isnt much substance in the show’s content and it has had the same story line/plot/conflicts etc. season after season. Not much to work with.

  4. lisaalexandra,

    i find it interesting that you say that. the irony is that the bachelor is probably more mundane and lacking of substance than the jersey shore, yet steve finds a way to blog about it in an intelligent and sarcastic manner. i don’t think it’s asking the jersey shore blogger too much to do the same.

  5. Fair enough. Just compared to last season.. I found it was better… Im starting to feel differently though, and agree with you.

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